The insolence that reeks from this statement is only matched by the other thing that reeks from it, which is abysmal ignorance of the author about Indian history. In the words of the famous American Historian, Will Durant, the Islamic invasion of India is the "bloodiest story in human history"!!! Yes, throughout human history, humanity has never seen the cruelties, massacres, rapes and large-scale loot and plunder of Indians as orchestrated by Islamic invaders over centuries in India. For every thing rosy thay appears on the surface there's a dreadful and painful story behind it. Name one thing good that these blood-thirsty tyrants did without a dark-underbelly hidden from view. Whether it is the Taj Mahal or any monument, any road or anything, absolutely anything, nothing was done from the goodness of heart but had an ulterior motive of imposing islamic values on a population that lived otherwise in peace and prosperity.