
That Churchill didn't cause the Bengal famine is a patent falsehood. Churchill and his Govt's policies are to squarely blame for the Bengal famine that caused untimely death of 3 million Bengali Indians.
On that basis Churchill was worse than Hitler. Even today in India when forced to choose between the two devils, most people consider Hitler at a higher status than Churchill. There's ample research now, recently reported in The Guardian (source below) that conclusively proves how Churchill's policies caused
starvation and famine.
Source that combs several research papers and presents a summary is at The Guardian, https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2019/mar/29/winston-churchill-policies-contributed-to-1943-bengal-famine-study



Sandeep Chandra
Sandeep Chandra

Written by Sandeep Chandra

International Hydrogen Consultant with investment stakes in Green & Blue Hydrogen production, HRS, FCEVs , FCs and Hydrogen application areas

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