It's true Finkel signed off on the Australian Hydrogen Policy and therefore a lot of accountability rests at his feet. But what's equally true is he championed "Clean Hydrogen". Now that is Green as well as Blue Hydrogen!
The problem is almost everyone thinks the Hydrogen solution is by way of opting only Green Hydrogen. And that's where's the dreams will go sour.
Australia is blessed with boundless sources of fossil-fuels. It's these which, we here in Australia, must continue to use, through the transition to Net Zero.
Going the FMG way into massive solar plants that drive giant electrolyzers guzzling tonnes of pure water is a path that pushes us away from exploiting Australia's home advantage.
Go Blue first, sort out the transition, keeps the mines operating and wells drilling, and forex coming in. In the meanwhile all Hydrogen use vehicles and devices get matured as they get cheap Blue Hydrogen and when all these vehicles are ready for mass production then switch to Green Hydrogen.
There's still time.
Remember Blue or Green, it's Clean! There're technologies now that ensure Blue Hydrogen with almost 100% carbon capture, so even the suggested transition is definitely a path worth pursuing.