I notice the article is published on 21 September. In the SSR saga, couple of days is too long, the case is moving too fast
It’s too soon to dismiss SSR a drug addict which most likely he was not… That’s the main point of public anger or one of the main points. SSR’s demise has struck a chord with the masses — esp middle India. The fact that an intelligent, hard working, accomplished human who chose acting over many other professions he could easily have succeeded in, was first deliberately destroyed career wise, his wealth running into USD millions was surreptitiously siphoned away, then he was executed mafia style, and then he was painted as a drugged retard who committed suicide, and if that was not the last nail in the coffin, his whole family is now shown as the villain by the ‘other’ media!
That will shake anyone’s conscience. People are angry naturally
Case us not done yet